Rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus
Regina, Specialist in General Practice
For 15 years a female client, 33 years old, had been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis particularly in her hands and fingers which she could move only with severe pain. Due to her illness and the resulting restricted capacity to work, she was bullied at work and frequently absent. She was able to practice her profession, which she greatly loved, only to a very limited degree. The overall situation left her desperate and depressed.
Up to that point, the rheumatoid arthritis had been treated only with traditional strong medications; she had major problems with their side effects. The attending rheumatologists advised against discontinuing the medications. Initially, under medical supervision, the medications such as methotrexate were discontinued and cortisone was reduced to the minimum necessary dosage. The client also received vitamin D and vitamin B12 injections. The result was that the client was neither weakened by the side effects of the medication nor susceptible to infections any longer.
The very first "Health Coaching" session resulted in considerably relaxation and improved mobility in the client’s fingers, which initially lasted for 2 days. After the 2nd health coaching session, her finger mobility increased significantly so that the client was able to play badminton again after the 3rd health coaching session and the medications were discontinued completely.
Overall, the client’s psychological state has improved significantly, she has a positive basic attitude towards herself and life in general.