In cases of Insomnia the causes can be recognized and completely resolved in the course of 1 - 3 "Health Coaching" sessions.
Field reports: Insomnia
Stress pattern gone forever
Oliver, Alternative Practitioner
"Health Coaching helped me a lot to relieve stress and cope with my everyday life in a more relaxed and harmonious manner. After two Health Coaching sessions I was able to handle situations at work, which had driven me crazy before, in a more serene and matter-of-fact manner. Let’s compare it with a dam break from the emotional aspect. Dammed water was released without further water being dammed afterwards once more.“
Thanks to this new, smooth working day I no longer suffer from a tense neck area in the evening and have a good night’s sleep.“
Years of insomnia
Karla H., Dental Specialist
The client, one of my daughter's friends, had been suffering from insomnia since the age of 17. I coached him strictly according to the script. He was able to remember that it occurred for the first time at the time of his school-leaving examinations. The people he hadn't forgiven in that context were, in the following order: father, school friend, teacher. Moreover, he was also able to clearly define what he couldn't forgive himself. My daughter's and her friend's home is about 600 km away from me and we did not follow up with Health Coaching over the phone – he sleeps all the night without waking up. Incidentally, both of them are physiotherapists and totally fascinated!