Health World Institute®
Health for people and companies!
Our New Heath Concept for people and companies - Treating the causes, not the symptoms!
In 2012 Mr. André Grashorn, holder of a German business administration degree, established the Health World Institute that aims at sustainably restoring the health of human beings and companies. Mr. Grashorn studied business administration in Hamburg and has meanwhile successfully been working for more than 25 years as management consultant, management trainer and health coach for reputable companies including Deutsche Airbus, Schleswag AG/EON, Worlée Chemie, Springer & Jacoby, Institut Neue Wirtschaft etc. Almost 20 years ago, he - a visionary and pioneer - developed the essential features of the “Health Coaching by Health World®“ as a completely new method to sustainably restore the human health by eliminating the roots of illness. Moreover, this method was applied as an innovative “ethics concept of success for companies“ to sustainably make them successful and healthy as well.
Furthermore, Mr. Grashorn developed the new psychology of the human ego - as antagonist of the true human self - and its destructive functioning in the human psyche, human life and in social organizations. These self-destructive ego-systems substantially affect positive, self-developing and permanently successful ethic success systems.
"The fraud regarding the waste gas values in the German automotive industry was only possible due to ego-objectives and their consequential ego-systems which in the end self-destruct. The automobile manufacturers could only get out of this crisis by setting up ethic success systems/objectives which lead to a new innovative energy for the staff.” (Quotation of Mr. Grashorn).
Furthermore, he developed a new integrative health concept which incorporates the most useful aspects of conventional and alternative medicine into the Health Coaching of Health World®. He highly successfully cooperates with persons and employees who suffer from chronical diseases or other illnesses which did not respond to treatments of traditional conventional and alternative medicine respectively psychotherapy.
In 2012 a larger number of doctors and non-medical practitioners were trained as “Health Coach by Health World®“ for the first time. For testing purposes they applied the health coaching in addition to medical treatment to diseases of their own and to independent patients. The result was incredibly positive since all doctors and non-medical practitioners were highly fascinated and impressed by the unique effectivity of our health coaching. Refer to the link “reports on experiences“ where you can read all detailed comments of doctors and non-medical practitioners sorted by diseases.
"Having follows being; in other words: your body follows your mind. A healthy mind is a pre-condition for a healthy body and not vice versa. – At first your soul and mind fall ill, before your body will fall ill as well. It is thus not reasonable to fight your disease because it does not make sense to fight your own soul! – During our health coaching sessions we will identify and solve the causes which have made your soul ill – this is the one and only possibility to sustainably restore the physical and mental health of a human being!”(Quotation of Mr. Grashorn).
The Health World Institute is meanwhile successfully cooperating not only with private clients and employees in the field of health coaching, but additionally with companies including their operational health and integration management, external coaching programs for employees (EAP) and management consulting. We mainly focus on sustainably restoring the employees‘ and company’s health on all levels and on permanently maintaining this state of health in a conceptual and staff-oriented manner. Applying our ethic success concept, we are able to sustainably increase and maintain the success of companies including their Change-Management.
Recognize and solve the causes of your illness and get healthy in a natural,fast, gentle and effective manner without side effects or symptom shifts. That’s what “Health Coaching by Health World®" enables you to do.
The necessary minimum of traditional medicine is combined with as much recognition and resolution of the causes of illness as possible. Each illness has an individual cause that explains why a person has fallen ill. Only if the individual cause of the illness, no matter whether it is of physical or psychological nature, is recognized and resolved, the person will get and remain healthy forever. Without a cause, there is no effect on the person, no symptom and thus no illness.
The client falls chronically ill and generally will remain chronically ills throughout his life since shifting symptoms and sid effects cause further illnessess. The true cause of the illness is, however, never recognized or resolved. According to studies, this is the reason why approximately 50% of the people in western society are and remain chronically ill
Offering health coaching sessions, the Health World Institute thus provides a new, integrative health concept that meets the needs of today’s clients for an effective, gentle treatment without side effects. It integrates the most useful components of traditional and alternative medicine and combines them with our newly developed method of resolving the causes of illness.
The Health World Institute aims at giving everyone the opportunity to get and fit forever within a short time.
Looking at today’s western society, we see that we live in a society that sickens us. Due to the increasing complexity of life and work activities, the incidence of stress-induced diseases such as allergies, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular illnesses as well as psychological, psychosomatic and chronic illnesses is increasing dramatically.
37 % of the people in Germany (and the same figure applies to other countries as well) suffer from chronic illnesses and are currently undergoing medical treatment. This does not include the chronically ill people who have resigned themselves to living with their illnesses after all therapeutic options offered by traditional and alternative medicine have failed.
Nor does it include those who are not even aware of their chronic illness because their pain (chronic headache, back pain and muscular tension, abdominal pain, respiratory illnesses and allergies, etc.) has turned to be an integral part of their everyday life. Moreover, one of two people nowadays suffers from stress or psychosomatic symptoms. This means that at least 50% of the people in our western society suffer from chronic physical and mental illness.
As global developments such as worldwide financial crises, the advance of technology and job losses, environmental and natural catastrophes as well as new diseases and pandemics, fear of the future and one’s own survival as well as the social pressure to perform have massively increased, there will also be a significant rise in stress-induced, psychological, psychosomatic and chronic illnesses according to numerous studies.
When we look at today's usual medical practices and the options for treating illness, we easily recognize that modern traditional medicine has reached its limits. This is revealed particularly by the fact that at least 50% of the population suffer from chronic illnesses which cannot be successfully treated with traditional medicine. Many of these patients have already tried in vain all available therapeutic options.
The fact that antibiotics have proven to lose their effectiveness, new diseases continuously develop for which the traditional medicine does not offer any treatment options and alternative medicine is a genuine, proper option only under certain circumstances, clearly reveals that the time has come for a new, modern and gentle method free from side effects such as "Health coaching by Health World®". This is a basic method of a new integrative health treatment concept, the so-called "Health World Medicine - Treating the causes®" which satisfy the needs of today’s society. According to current studies, 70% of the population prefer a gentle, but effective treatment without side effects.
If you want to make an appointment or if you have questions about our services, don't hesitate to ask us - you are warmly welcomed. Please complete the form and click on "send". We will call you back as soon as possible.